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21 Mei 2010

Tampilkan photo saat incoming call

Saya Sarankan Anda Baca Juga

Kalo kamu dapet telpon.. di layar hp kamu langsung keluar foto yang nelpon.. mau gak bro aplikasinya.. Baca dulu tutorialnya berikut ini...

DTarasov Mobile Ting! v1.10 S60v3 v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned Cracked

Ting! shows you fullscreen photos of a caller during incoming call. You can add one or several pictures to your friends, family or work contacts and enjoy nice slideshows while they are calling you. Now you can not only see who calls you but also bring new level of personalisation and usability to your S60 device.

Main application features :

* Can show fullscreen picture of a caller during incoming call
* Can show fullscreen picture of a contact during outgoing call
* Can show fullscreen slideshow of associated with a particular contact photos during incoming or outgoing call
* Shows caller's name and number
* Associated photos can be edited in application menu
* Easy and comfortable in use

Kalo udah langsung aja sedot bro...

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