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7 Jun 2010


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Mp3 Audio Editor adalah sebuah software editing mp3. Mp3 Audio Editor memiliki fitur editor yang dapat
mengedit file MP3 serta WMA, WAV dan OGG dengan mudah. Software ini memungkinkan anda membuat
dan mengedit suara dari rekaman audio.

Anda dapat memotong, menyalin dan meyisipkan bagian rekaman. Dan jka diperlukan bisa ditambahkan
efek seperti echo, vibrato, amplify, compressor dan filter untuk mengurangi noise. Progtam ini juga
memiliki fitur Burn audio CD dari MP3, WMA, WAV, dan Ogg.

Mp3 Audio Editor merupakan solusi ideal untuk merekam audio mp3, editing dan mastering. Program ini
berisi semua hal dasar yang anda butuhkan untuk membuat rekaman dan audio CD.  Tampilan program
ini dirancang benar-benar friendly dan sederhana namun menarik, sehingga memudahkan para
penggunanya dalam mengoperasikan program ini termasuk untuk para pemula.

Pada dasarnya Mp3 Audio Editor dikhususkan untuk para pemula sebagai Program ideal untuk merekam
audio mp3, editing dan mastering. Namun hasil yang diperoleh sangat bagus. Untuk melihat fitur
lengkap Mp3 Audio Editor dapat anda baca dibawah ini :

The program is designed to be a very easy and intuitive to use for mp3 recording/editing. Within minutes
you will be able to record or open a file and edit it. But if you take time to explore the other features you
will find many powerful tools for editing audio designed with the professional sound engineer in mind.

    * Edit Mp3 files visually (Cut, Copy, Delete Selection, Delete Silence, Paste, Paste From File, Mix, Mix
       From File)
    * Record audio from a microphone or any other available input device and save directly to WAV, MP3,
       WMA, OGG, etc. files
    * Apply various effects (Amplify, Compressor, Delay, Equalize, Fade In and Fade Out, Flanger, Invert,
       Normalize, Phaser, Reverb, Reverse, Silence, Shrink, Stretch, Vibrato, etc.)
    * Burn audio CDs from MP3, WMA, WAV, and OGG. The audio CD burner feature is very powerful, yet
       easy to use.

Mp3 Audio Editor is feature-rich audio production software. Mp3 Audio Editor supports all key audio
formats. It makes the program the complete tool for audio production. Mp3 Audio Editor will be
interesting for professionals and amateurs, it is very easy to use, it enables you to perform a lot of
operations without any difficulties. Edit your mp3 files with the top rated, easy-to-use digital audio editor.

With Mp3 Audio Editor you can :

    * Play, record, edit, mix, and analyze mp3 / audio files
    * Make perfect digital copies of audio CD tracks using the CD Reader tool and save them in wav, wma,
       mp3, or ogg files
    * Record audio from cassettes, vinyl records, radio, etc. through your computer’s line-in
    * Record dictation through a microphone or from DVD Player, WinAMP, RealPlayer, Windows Media
       Player and more
    * Mp3 / audio editing functions include cut, copy, paste, delete, insert, silence, trim, mix and more.
    * Apply various effects (Amplify, Compressor, Delay, Equalize, Fade In and Fade Out, Flanger, Invert,
       Normalize, Phaser, Reverb, Reverse, Silence, Shrink, Stretch, Vibrato, etc.);
    * Batch processing supports up to 32000 files allowing you to apply effects and/or convert your files
       as a single function.
    * Real-time effect preview is supported
    * Powerful noise reduction tool
    * Easy to use bookmark and region manager
    * Easy to use interface will get you started editing in just minutes.
    * Supports a number of file formats including wav (multiple codecs), mp3, wma, ogg and many more.

Petunjuk Install :

    * Download dan Ekstrak
    * Lakukan installasi pada file : Mp3AudioEditorPro.exe
    * Ketika proses installasi berjalan dan muncul form registrasi, pilih pada pilihan
       “I Have a Software Key” dan isikan data key yang terdapat pada file : no-seri.txt
       Untuk Menjadikan Full vesion..
    * Finished

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